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Mammographic Density and Breast Cancer Risk

Breast Cancer Res. 2016 Sep 21;18(1):94.

doi: 10.1186/s13058-016-0750-0.

Rice MS1Bertrand KA2VanderWeele TJ3Rosner BA4Liao X3,5Adami HO3,6,7Tamimi RM3,4.

Background: High mammographic density (MD) is a strong risk factor for breast cancer. However, it is unclear whether high MD is an intermediate phenotype or whether breast cancer risk factors influence breast cancer risk and MD independently.

Methods: Our study population included 1290 invasive breast cancer cases and 3422 controls from the Nurses' Health Studies. We estimated the percent of the total association between the risk factor and breast cancer that was mediated by MD.

Results: In both pre- and postmenopausal women, the association between history of biopsy-confirmed benign breast disease and risk was partially mediated by percent MD (percent mediated (PM) = 17 %, p < 0.01 and PM = 33 %, p = 0.04, respectively). In premenopausal women, the associations between early life body size (adolescent somatotype and BMI at age 18) and breast cancer risk were substantially mediated by percent MD (PM = 73 %, p = 0.05 and PM = 82 %, p = 0.04, respectively). In postmenopausal women, the proportion of the associations of childhood somatotype and adolescent somatotype that were mediated by percent MD were lower (PM = 26 %, p = 0.01 for both measures). Hormone therapy use at mammogram was significantly mediated by percent MD in postmenopausal women (PM = 22 %, p < 0.01). Associations with other risk factors, such as age at menarche or family history of breast cancer, were not mediated by percent MD.

Conclusions: Percent MD partially mediated some of the associations between risk factors and breast cancer, though the magnitude varied by risk factor and menopausal status. These findings suggest that high MD may be an intermediate in some biological pathways for breast cancer development.


瀏覽次數: 1345

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